What is District 10 and Why Do I Care?
The Loudon District Service Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous (or District 10) is a
service body in the AA service structure.
Our primary purpose is to coordinate the efforts of the groups in our geographic area to effectively
carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic and professionals who have contact with them.
Please Remember The AA Responsibility Declaration:
"I am responsible.
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there.
And for that: I am responsible."
Service Positions Available
Secretary, Chair Treatment and Accessibility
Upcoming events that will need support:
All District Service Positions
Interested in being of service to your District?
Visit the monthly District 10 meeting on the first Wednesday of the month
or click on "Contact Us" and send an email.
The District 10 Correctional Facilities Committee
is looking for AA members interested
in carrying the message behind the walls at the
Loudoun County Adult Detention Center.
For more information, download the flyer.